You're living in a quiet north side neighborhood in Chicago. All of a sudden it's a sweaty-as-balls summer and you realize that most of your warm weather clothing doesn't fit or is worn out or just generally making you feel like you look worn out. You don't have a huge budget to spend on new clothes and accessories, but thankfully there's a rather sizeable Target store nearby - a reliable choice for budget clothing, since their basic stuff is pretty cute and affordable, and you can often find a fun piece or two in your size on the clearance rack. After a couple hours of leisurely browsing in a nice-n-roomy air conditioned store, you walk away with some new duds feeling like a million bucks, even though you probably spent less than $100. Sounds pretty good, right?
Flash-forward a few years. Imagine you're now living in Brooklyn, which has nearly as many residents as Chicago but crammed into half the space, all of whom are vying for the same deals in a store that's also half the size as your old Chicago haunt. It's another sweaty-as-balls summer, so you decide to check out your new local Target for some deals, only to discover... well... you're sorry you even bothered to leave the house. I think this user photo on Yelp says it all.