Weekly Poll: I Scream! | Hello Pretty Bird! - A beauty and not-so-glamorous lifestyle blog

09 July, 2014

Weekly Poll: I Scream!

Happy Wednesday everybody! Are you feeling sweaty? Because I sure am.

This week's poll question was inspired by heat and humidity and melty mindthoughts. I'm hot. Have I mentioned that yet?

What's your favorite kind of ice cream?

Short and sweet. I'm partial to coconut milk ice creams, but if someone were to bring me a fruity popsicle right now I wouldn't say no. How about you? What sweet treats do you turn to to beat the heat?


  1. Peaches and Cream!

  2. I really love ice cream, but in the hottest heat nothing beats Sicilian lemon granita. Urhghghg--I want some now! SOB

  3. I'm more of a chip person but IF I get iced cream (like I did the other day) I like cotton candy ice cream with chocolate jimmies (aka sprinkles). I also like frozen yogurt in all diff flavors.

  4. Mmm, that sounds sooooo good right now. The room I use as a home office doesn't have AC in it so I seriously feel like I'm going to melt into the chair. Need icy refreshments!

  5. I prefer salty snacks in general, but when it's a million degrees out ice cream is better. Or even just plain ice. :P Also, I haven't heard anyone call them jimmies since I was a kid! (I grew up in MA, so I guess that's a regional thing?)

  6. Excellent choice! I love ice creams with bits of fruit in them.

  7. We would always get chocolate "jimmies" on our ice cream when we visited my grandparents on Cape Cod! That takes me back!

  8. Yup its a MA thing. Just like frappes are milk shakes every where else right?

  9. I really like coconut milk ice creams, too! A Bahama Buck's shaved ice just opened near my house, and it's pretty good. You can even get ice cream in your shaved ice. I used to love ice cream, and then I found out I'm allergic to dairy. :(

  10. I don't eat dairy at all, but it's not a problem because there are TONS of options now! Seriously, when I was a kid there was Rice Dream and Tofutti and not a ton else. I feel like even those have gotten better in recent years though.

  11. I had to look up Moose Tracks (gasp) but that sounds mighty delicious. I'm a big fan of peanut butter things in ice cream.

  12. I wonder if Moose Tracks is a Michigan-only flavor. I think the company that created it is based in Michigan.

  13. Lisa @ Ameliorer la VieJuly 11, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    I can't narrow it down to just one flavor...so chocolate peanut butter, pistachio, and raspberry. Usually an ice cream parlor won't have all three of these flavors at once, so it makes my choice easier.

  14. All delicious choices. It's been so long since I had pistachio ice cream, but that was always a favorite of mine. I have a Crazy Rumors lip balm that smells like pistachio ice cream and sometimes I wish I could eat it. :(

  15. Plain ol' vanilla is my favorite =P I love Coconut Bliss!
