Review | Miraclear Adjustable Facial Cleansing Tool | Hello Pretty Bird! - A beauty and not-so-glamorous lifestyle blog

12 October, 2015

Review | Miraclear Adjustable Facial Cleansing Tool

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Poll time: Do you prefer to use a brush/tool to cleanse your face, or just go in with your fingers? I go back and forth: I like not having to worry about cleaning my cleansing tools, but sometimes I want a little more exfoliation than my bare hands can provide. And thus my quest for the perfect cleansing tool continues! Today I'll be looking at the Miraclear Adjustable Facial Cleansing Tool, which combines the convenience of silicone with the scrubbiness of well... silicone.

Miraclear Adjustable Facial Cleansing Tool review and how to use

Product description:
Optimize your daily skin cleansing routine with this luxurious and advanced facial cleansing tool by Miraclear. This special tool allows you to reach all parts of the face to make sure no dirt would be left behind. It also minimizes friction which eliminates the probabilities of skin damage. It has an antibacterial surface which ensures that your skin is free from germs and any harmful elements that may cause damage.

The product description doesn't say it, but this little guy is made of plastic and silicone! Trusty old antibacterial silicone. Silicone tools are nothing new, but the Miraclear is very different to traditional textured cleansing pads—and I'll show you exactly how. Personally I'm a fan of silicone in cleansing devices—it exfoliates gently and provides a slight massage-like sensation without ripping up the skin.

The Miraclear Facial Cleansing Tool is available from Memebox and is usually priced at $20, though at time of publishing this post it's on sale for $13. Don't forget that all Memebox orders over $30 ship free, and you can use code FRIEND20 to get 20% off your first order $25+.

Miraclear Adjustable Facial Cleansing Tool

OK, so here's how the Miraclear works: Imagine if you took a standard silicone cleansing pad and stuck it on a fancy-looking plastic handle with inflation capabilities. Say whaaaaat?

Miraclear Adjustable Facial Cleansing Tool inflation mechanism

When you first take the Miraclear out of the box the cleansing pad is completely flat, but inside the handle there's a little clear plastic tube thingie—if you plunge it up and down repeatedly, the pad of the Miraclear will puff up into a little dome like so:

Miraclear Adjustable Facial Cleansing Tool inflated texture

This in essence turns a standard silicone cleansing pad into a highly adjustable one—pump it completely full of air or halfway, it's your choice. I find that the more you inflate it, the rougher-feeling a sensation it gives—I think this is because more air spaces the little textured bits farther apart. Personally I've been using it at about 2/3 of its potential inflation level—that gives me a nice scrubby feeling that sort of conforms to my face. (When you inflate it ALL the way it's almost hard, like a bouncy ball.) To use it, inflate the device however much you prefer, dab a bit of cleanser on it, and massage onto your damp face. Cleans nicely and feels gooooood. Once you're done, you can deflate it easily by pressing the white button on the end of the plunger. I made a quick YouTube video to help illustrate the process:

In terms of efficacy, it doesn't really do anything that a regular textured silicone pad won't, but the handle makes it easier to hold onto while you're scrubbing. Convenience, I like it. (And will pay extra for it.)

Miraclear Adjustable Facial Cleansing Tool cleansing pad

In summary: I think the Miraclear is an effective and enjoyable cleansing tool, though maybe not as miraculous as the name would suggest. It feels good on the face and exfoliates without feeling too "scrubby", which is good news in my book. I the inflation mechanism to me more of a novelty for me than anything else, but the handle does make it easier to hold, so I think it's a step up from standard cleansing pads.

To purchase, check out Miraclear on

What do you think of the Miraclear Adjustable Facial Cleansing Tool? Are you a fan of silicone cleansing devices?

Disclosure: The product featured in this post was provided to me for review by Memebox, however any opinions expressed above are honest and my own. I did not receive any other form of compensation. Some or all of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I will earn a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on them. For more information, check out my full disclosure policy.

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