Update to Comment System on HelloPrettyBird + Social Media Stuff | Hello Pretty Bird! - A beauty and not-so-glamorous lifestyle blog

13 December, 2013

Update to Comment System on HelloPrettyBird + Social Media Stuff

Hey folks!

This is just a quick update to let you know that I've switched from the standard commenting system on Blogger to Disqus in order to make my posts more discussion-friendly. I'm sure most of you already use Disqus on other sites, but in case you've never encountered it before here are a few pointers:

I <3 stock photography. Image source: twobee @ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

  • You have to sign up for an account to use Disqus, but it takes like three seconds and you don't even have to leave the page. Just click on the commenting field, click the part where it says "Register with Disqus", enter your info, hit the little arrow and you're all set! You might want to verify your e-mail address at some point for security reasons, but you don't have to do that to leave your first comment.
  • If you're also a blogger or website owner, make sure to fill out your Disqus profile so people can easily find your site info when they click on your name. To do that quickly, click the arrow next to your name at the bottom right-hand side of the widget, select "Your Profile", and when it pops up hit the "edit" button and it will open your dashboard page. Once you're there you can add a website and bio under the "profile" tab and a picture under the "avatar" tab.

The biggest change to come from all this is that you won't be able to comment anonymously anymore - though if you sign up for Disqus with a bogus name it's not like I'm going to know. :P

I've tested Disqus on my mobile devices and it seems to work, but I'm not sure how well it will play with older phones and such - if you have any problems feel free to e-mail or tweet me. The widget is in the process of importing the old comments from Blogger now, so hopefully all your old nuggets of wisdom will be back in their rightful places shortly. Hopefully.


While I have your attention, are you following me on social media? Fun fact: I post somewhat different things in different places! Whoa! Here's what you can find where:

Twitter - I'm probably the most active on Twitter. Follow me for updates on new posts, random ramblings, or to see what kind of silly stuff I say in blogger chats! If you're also a beauty or lifestyle blogger I will likely follow you back - just @ me to say hi if I don't notice your follow right away. 

You can follow me on Facebook for updates on new posts. I'm not as active on Facebook as I am on Twitter, but if you have a question or want to say hello I'll do my best to respond!

Instagram -
I post pictures of select items I'm reviewing, FOOD, and silly little stuff from my personal life on Instagram. Have I mentioned the food? Food.

Google+ -
You can follow me on Google+ for updates on my latest posts plus whatever upcoming weirdness is likely to follow, since Google is basically taking over the world. It will also help you find my site easier in Google if you do a search (which may come in handy, as the Blogger sidebar search widget doesn't always work right... grr.)

Pinterest - I pin select posts of mine on Pinterest but also dabble in boards on fashion, blogging, beauty and other fun stuff. Good times.

Bloglovin' -
If you're already using Bloglovin' then you probably know what it's for - to get updates on your favorite blogs! I'd be honored if you followed me there.

- I haven't really been active on YouTube yet but I do plan on posting some videos in the near future. It is on my 30 Before 30 list, after all. You can be the first in line to see me make a fool of myself!

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. I look forward to your future comments!


  1. NO PROBLEMMMM, I shall comment away in the future!

  2. Wooo, Disqus. Welcome to the other side.

  3. One of us... one of us... one of us...

  4. I'd been going back and forth between Disqus and IntenseDebate. I'm still not sure, even though I went with the other one! But at least these 2 provide replies, and that's what I was really looking for.

  5. Personally I like Disqus better, but I think some people are put off by having to sign up for an account. That, and it can be a bit fussy with some mobile devices. But IntenseDebate is good too - being able to do replies and up/downvote comments aids the discussion.

  6. Yeah, I'm still on the fence, but figure since ID is by the Wordpress people, it should integrate pretty well besides. We'll see how it goes!
