Weekly Poll: Royal Flush | Hello Pretty Bird! - A beauty and not-so-glamorous lifestyle blog

11 June, 2014

Weekly Poll: Royal Flush

Happy Wednesday all! I'm still working on my crazy organization project so forgive me if my comment replies are a bit slower than normal, but I figured I should get back to posting. These blogs ain't gonna write themselves, after all.

Today's poll question is about something I think pretty much all us have: toilets. I like to keep things classy around here.

Have you or anyone in your household ever flushed anything "unfortunate" down the toilet by mistake? If so, what was it and how did you get it out?

Let's just say that this topic was inspired by a recent incident in my own life. An incident that occurred at 3AM and involved a 6oz spray bottle accidentally falling into the toilet as it flushed. How was the toilet able to suck it all the way down? I'll never know. In the end we had to call for a plumber, who showed up equipped with a snake and plenty of poop jokes.


  1. When I was little my brother flushed my favourite Polly Pocket doll down the toilet, I didn't speak to him for days! It was a traumatic experience hahaha xx

  2. Oh no! I can definitely remember dropping Polly Pocket dolls down the toilet by accident, but that was my own fault. They're so small and easy to lose, I guess!

  3. Lol oh no! I can't say I've ever had an unfortunately flushing accident, but I did get a company-wide email once at work asking us to stop flushing random stuff down the toilets. Apparently they had fished a bunch of plastic bags out of the plumbing? I don't even want to know what the person who did it was trying to accomplish there.

  4. Haha, that's ridiculous! I can understand a kid flushing plastic bags (because they likely don't know any better), but if you're a grown adult I feel like you should know that plastic bags don't just disappear. At least I'd hope...

  5. I can't recall ever actually flushing anything down, but I remember dropping a bracelet in there when I was a kid. Ever since then, I have been slightly (well, more than slightly) careful about keeping the lid closed at all times. Er, well, when not in use, rather. My husband is even careful about it now because I told him that story.

  6. I don't have any good flushing stories, but my mom's keys fell out of her pocket while flushing, on a ferry boat, in the middle of the water, and thus went out to sea. her car was first in line to get out of the ferry line, so she blocked one entire side of the boat from being able to get out and she had to wait for my dad to come rescue her with her only spare set. oops.

  7. Oh man. I think your mom wins the horrible flushing mishap grand prize.

  8. I would be too! I dropped a ring in there once but managed to fish it out before it was too late. Eeeeep.

  9. haha yeah, she was my age at the time and it was pretty traumatizing!

  10. ikr? i'm glad its not mine! :P

  11. I have no idea how that would have happened. I would think it would have got stuck? Eeek good thing you called that plumber lol

  12. I don't put anything on top of the tank anymore. There weren't any unfortunate flushing incidents, but I couldn't figure out how the candles, matches, and other random bits kept falling into the toilet and on the floor. Then I caught my mischievous kitty one night releasing all of her little pent up rage.

  13. I know, right? The craziest part is that the toilet was actually still flushing with the bottle in there! I mean it was flushing REALLY SLOWLY, but water was still passing through.

  14. Oooh, naughty kitty. Suddenly I'm reminded of the cat I had when I was a teenager, who would perch on the edge of the bowl and drink out of the toilet just like the dog. Bless their little troublemaking kitty hearts.

  15. I lost my Dr Jarts Water Sure Gel for months because she whacked it like a hockey puck under a piece of furniture. I'm sure that's how half of my missing lip balms have disappeared.
    Your kitty cat sounds absolutely delightful. Did she know she was a cat, or did she just think she was a dog?

  16. She probably knew she was a cat, but the dog was stupid and didn't seem to know she was a cat so just treated her like an oddly-shaped dog. They slept together in the same bed so it makes sense that they'd drink out of the same toilet.

  17. There's something terribly sweet about that.

  18. My mom flushed her car keys down a toilet once and needless to say we never got them back.

  19. Haha yeah, I'd imagine not! Very unfortunate.
