Happy Wednesday everybody! Find any new and interesting ways to beat the summer heat? (No, that's not the poll question. But if you have, feel free to share.)
This week's poll question was inspired by my lack of free time. I haven't had the chance to really sit down and watch a lot of TV lately, but last night I was SO TIRED that I got into bed early and watched things on my tablet until I passed out. I started watching a Korean TV series called Big Man (빅맨) and frankly ... it's pretty bad. It's like they took every cheesy soap opera convention and threw it together to make a hastily prepared bowl of Trope Salad. That said, I'll probably continue to watch it because (a) it doesn't take much brain power to process, which is good when you're tired, and (b) I like Kang Ji-hwan. Hubba hubba. But enough babbling, here's my question:
Have you watched any good TV shows lately? "Good" could mean actually good or so bad it's good.
Recommend things to your fellow internet-dwelling humans! Could be old or new, doesn't matter. If you want a free space to ramble about how much you love Quantum Leap or something, by all means, have at it.
Hello! Happy Hump Day! Yes, I have been watching a few shows that I just can't get enough of. "Band of Brothers" is a really good show. If you don't know of it, it's about WWII and the Army invading Germany. So far, anyway. I have also been watching Generation Kill. It's about Marines and how we invaded Iraq for the war on terrorism. I've become a military documentary junkie thanks to Amazon.
ReplyDeleteHmm, what have we been watching. Well still working through Deep Space Nine and Leverage, and just started watching Bitten which is alright so far. That's alongside The Boondocks and Family Guy marathons, oh and Scrubs, always watching Scrubs!
ReplyDeleteThis time of year is so hard! I've been watching Mistresses which is a good one...
ReplyDeleteI am LOVING The Killing. Its on Netflix. Season 1-3. Season 4 starts August.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of it, will look it up! I'm a big fan of having Netflix marathons.
ReplyDeleteThankfully we now have things like Hulu and Netflix to marathon older shows! Are you watching the US version or the British one?
ReplyDeleteHow do you like DS9? I loved that show so much but could never get any of my friends into it. I feel like TNG is easier to just drop in and watch random episodes of.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I've heard of that series but I never actually watched it. Amazon sure does make it easy to go on themed TV binges, right? As I'm sure you know (since you're watching Band of Brothers) they just added a ton of old HBO shows recently so my boyfriend has been dominating the TV and re-watching old episodes of The Sopranos. :P
ReplyDeleteI started watching Orange is the New Black after many recommendations from my students and from followers. It's awesome and one of the three writers is the lead singer/writer for my favorite band. The only problem is that I can't watch it with my husband because the show gives him so much anxiety; he grew up in the Soviet Union and studies it, so he has this continuous fear of being imprisoned unjustly! But I'm going to be back to watching it solo at some point. I actually started as a kdrama fan (before kpop even), but ever since I've been blogging there's been no time and I drop even good shows fast. sob I'm looking forward to Gong Hyo-jin's new drama in part...because...it...stars...a...kpop...idol. Shaaaame. Have you watched lots of kdramas?
ReplyDeleteWe totally watched all of Orange Is The New Black. Both seasons. But yeah, I've watched tons and tons of K-dramas! I don't know as much about K-pop, but what I do know comes from watching ridiculous amounts of Korean TV. I haven't had much time lately to catch up on them either so I'll watch them on my tablet in bed when I can't fall asleep.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if this counts as Bad/Good, but Archer. Lots and lots of Archer. Like it doesn't seem to matter that I've seen the season a hundred times, I can still watch it.
ReplyDeleteBuffy.... My sister is working through the whole series and she inspired me to watch a few episodes here and there. I remember it being a good show back when it aired but the random rewatch is confirming it.
ReplyDeleteI've been binge-watching Bones. Almost done! What next?!
ReplyDeleteI've been binge watching True Blood. My husband and I tried to watch Orange is the New Black, but we could not get into it. We watched 4 episodes, I think, and decided we just didn't like it. None of the characters appealed to us.
ReplyDeleteI have had more time to watch TV this last week with my web host server being down. I guess I am going to expose my age but I find that I either watching The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie or HGTV. I don't know but watching The Waltons just makes me so peaceful....LOL!
ReplyDeleteExactly! I feel like a crack addict, only it's TV shows! I got an email from Amazon last night, stating that Downton Abbey Season 4 is now up on Amazon. Guess who already watched 1 episode this morning? This girl. Haha!
ReplyDeleteThe Sopranos is next on our list of binge-worthy shows!
I never watched Archer, but things can be both bad and good. I think. I have shows like that too though. I've probably rewatched every episode of Mr. Show a hundred times, even though there are only four (short) seasons.
ReplyDeleteI've still never seen it! Friends tell me its one of those shows you really have to watch from the beginning and I'm intimidated by the time commitment.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I think of Bones I think of Criminal Minds, mostly because they rerun on a local channel a lot. So... that?
ReplyDeleteI think you're the first person I've heard say they didn't like OITNB. Which is kind of funny ... I thought it was a reasonably good show, but the level of hype surrounding it is sort of crazy. It reminds me kind of the first season of Lost except about women in prison ... which sounds really boring when I put it like that, haha.
ReplyDeleteWhatever makes you feel good is good TV! I watch HGTV whenever I'm visiting someone with cable. House Hunters is my jam.
ReplyDeleteThank you and House Hunters is my jam too!
ReplyDeleteI'd be inclined to agree. I don't think I could commit to watching hundreds of episodes of anything... Only a few of the episodes are duds but the script and 90s outfits are great.
ReplyDeleteI didn't like OITNB either, now you've heard 2 ;)
ReplyDeleteI actually loved the first season of Lost and disliked the rest, so if it DID fit that description I would have loved it lol
I stopped watching Lost during the second season too. My friends were like WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, lol. OITNB sort of does that "backstory of the week" thing in a lot of its episodes that Lost did early on. Maybe not as consistently though? I watched the first series of OITNB when it came out so I don't remember everything.
ReplyDeleteI tried OITNB when it first came out and I never tried again, so I don't remember... I get the WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU a lot with my tv choices lol, I get bored easily and I'm no stranger to a "ragequit" when the plotlines get ridiculous (cough-Scandal-cough)
ReplyDeleteI just started watching Parks & Rec with my boyfriend. I avoided the show for the longest time (clearly) because I watched a few episodes when it debuted and didn't care for it, but now I'm loving it!
ReplyDeleteI feel so much better about not liking OITNB.
ReplyDeleteWe may try to watch it again. I feel like I'm missing out on some piece of pop culture by not watching it.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I watch House Hunters and try to guess which house the people will buy. I'm usually right. :)
ReplyDeleteMe and my husband do the same thing! We are probably about tied on winning! ( if you asked him) I say I am winning....LOL!
ReplyDeleteIt's really not all that great!
ReplyDeleteI had a very similar experience with that show actually! I watched a couple of episodes when they first aired, went "meh", but when my boyfriend started marathon-watching them on Netflix the show sort of grew on me. Guess it took time to build up momentum?
ReplyDeleteGuess so! My boyfriend was like, "See, I told you it got better!"
ReplyDeleteThese sound right up my alley!
ReplyDeleteI just got into Orphan Black and it's INTENSE. Really digging it so far.
ReplyDeleteI'm also watching random episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Seriously cracks me up. When I was younger, my dad and I used to mute whatever we were watching (I remember Godzilla in particular) and speak for the characters or make funny noises--basically being stupid--and so MST3K sort of brings those memories back.
I admit it though, I still hit the mute button from time to time when I'm with my father, just for old times' sake.
My BF LOVES Orphan Black. I still haven't watched any of it but it seems like the kind of thing I'd enjoy. And my sister gave us a MST3K box set last year at the holidays, haha!
ReplyDeleteCurrently watching Criminal Minds, my favorite crime series to date.
ReplyDeleteBefore we had a Roku box we would watch Criminal Minds ALL THE TIME because one of the over-the-air TV stations played episodes back-to-back sometimes. It's a great show to watch marathon-style. :)